Even before starting stretch, i knew i wanted to learn how to sew and design with really low denier. I can't deny that its inspiration coming from last year's stretch students and thier use of fleshy coloured fabrics.. which made me think of panty-hose..
After reading the suggested text: Helmut Lang; Fabric, Skin, Figure, One particular line st
ood out for me
"The male body remains, clasically, fully covered; uncovered, it is at best, sporty, at worst, ridiculous. It is never erotically invested. The Contrast between bare skin and fabric
material dominates the matrix of feminine fashion"
Thinking about men's fashion, the ways its changed in the past century.. the way women's wear dominates the industry, its almost a pay back for the way women were oppressed in western culture (and ofcourse in other cultures). We outline fashion legends as those who liberated
women; Chanel, Yves Saint.. But its now been taken to a point where the mens styles incorporated into women's wear are "ridiculous" in the context of male attire. Think of something as simple as the skivvey or the turtle neck..
So, obviously with this notion, i want to explore a change in menswear.. a revert back to feminine attire.. or .. original masculinity ..
Something that got me thinking a lot was the use of knits in sportswear and the line "uncovered, it is at best, sporty, at worst, ridiculous" Noticing the level of knitwear around.. on men.. it really does usually just look sporty, especially if the guy is particularly masculine.. otherwise his appearance could almost be label
led as queer…
anyway, i found some big designers who sort of seem to (subtley) push these boundries too
Gareth Pugh:
Includes Spring 2010
Autumn 2010
Images Taken from www.style.com on the 14/3/2010
low denier knit shown below..reveals the body

This image below is particularly interesting. It reminds me of the Jean-Paul Gaultier outfits from the Fifth Element (1997) .. Leeloo wears a thermo body strap outfit. There is no need to have the body covered, because the utility of fashion for warmth is erased by modern technology… If only it were that simple

Hi Jack,
ReplyDeleteinteresting comments and use of text. realte to the design exercises, and how this might be the start of a greater direction for you. More analysis in regards to this notion of stretch wear on men, and how this as a genre is lacking compared to womenswear.also relate this to your research: what you are exploring in 3d.