Sunday, June 6, 2010

Today's Images!

I think they turned out very good, they arent sexual.. and the clothes speak more than the model or the situation.. not much of a situation! ahaha, I'm going to upload them in different posts… to separate the garments.. for myself! just because we took so many pics
here goes:

the final one here is my favourite, Liam's camera, plus the tungsten lighting just sort of gave the right amount of contrast in lighting to show the details of the garments but still keep it a little secret.. also the filling of the photo with the garment makes it quite focused on that.. rather than any sort of subject matter!

I really love movement in the garments, I'm going to do another post right away of the other garments … there is another jumping shot which gives great vantage point of the fabric's personalities… these more show, i guess, the constructions movement… the bulk of y fronts


  1. my comment never showed up about how i loved the roisin murphy video. had never seen it before and adored her covered in gareth. also very impressed by your photography. great action shots.

  2. Thanks so much hannah! I think Roisin Murphy has been one really big influence, especialy during VCE
    this one is also very good!
